for the Album “Sh'ma Israel"

1. Sh’ma Israel
Music and Lyrics by Oxana Eliahu
Sh’ma Israel Elohai x 2
Sh’ma Israel x 2 Elohai
Baruch Shem Adonai
Le-Olam Va-Ed
Hit-ka-desh Shim-cha
Melech HaOlam
Tavo Malchut-cha
Yi-a-se Re-tzon-cha
K’mo b’sha-maim
Ken b’Aretz
Sh’ma Israel Elohai x 2
Sh’ma Israel x 2
You are an awesome God
You are a great I am
Blessed be Your Name
Forever and Ever
Let Your Kingdom come
Let Your will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Sh’ma Israel Elohai x 2
Sh’ma Israel x 2 Elohai
Baruch Shem k’vod
Malchuto Le-Olam Va-Ed x 2
(Instrumental Modulyatzia)
Sh’ma Israel Elohai x 2
Sh’ma Israel x 2
2. There is no other Savior
Music and Lyrics By Oxana Eliahu
Based on Isaiah 43:1-3
You created me,
You’ve summoned me by my name;
I will not fear, for have been redeemed;
When I pass through the waters,
You will be with me;
When I pass through the rivers,
I will not drown
For You’re, Adonai Elohai
Holy One of Israel, my Savior
You are my Lord, You’re Adonai, Ata Adonai
There was no one before You
No one will be after You
You are my Lord, You’re Adonai, Ata Adonai
There is no other Savior
Ein Biladecha Moshia
You’ve created me,
You’ve summoned me by my name;
I will not fear, for I’ve been redeemed;
When I walk through the fire,
I will not be burned;
The flames will not harm me, not consume me
כי אתה אדוני אלוהי
קדוש ישראל מושיעני
אתה אדוני
לפניך לא נוצר אל
ואחריך לא יהיה
אתה אדוני
ואין בלעדיך מושי
3. On Our Knees
Music and Lyrics By Oxana Eliahu
Every day the world grows more stressful
Only with God can we find shelter
May we always walk in the Holy Spirit
Opening our hearts to Adonai
Even when we go through trials
Abba, give us strength
To joyfully worship You
Bless us, Father, and help our faith
Grow stronger
May Your Spirit illuminate our hearts
We are your people we are your children
Abba, help us turn back to You
You are the God of Love
Your mercy is endless
We desperately need Your salvation
We come before You now
We are on our knees
Immanuel, beloved Adonai
Forgive us Father, we are lost without You
Receive us back into Your Arms
Almighty God El Shadai
We desperately need Your Salvation
We praise Your Name
Your Holy Name
We worship You, Adonai
אנא אלי, אנא אלי, אנא הבא לעמך ישועתך
4. Joy In my Heart
Lyrics and Music by Oxana Eliahu
King of Kings and Creator of all
You are the guardian of my soul
You are the highest God
You reign over all
My mind is stayed on You all day
You know my thoughts, the words I say.
Yor’re the well-spring of life
God You are, yes You are the way
My heart is filled with so much joy
My heart overflows with You, Yeshua
You’ve given me a new heart
Your Holy Spirit within me!
To You I give my all
To You I dedicate my life
Because You are my Lord,
I’ll follow You all my life
You’re the best friend I’ll ever find
You’re always faithful and kind
You reign from high above,
Always care for me in love
5. You our Refuge
Lyric and Music By Oxana Eliahu
(based on Psalm 91)
We praise you Abba, Adonai Eloheinu
For Your Glorious, Holy name
Come and fight for us, for your people Israel
For the sake of Your Holy Name!
You are the only true God.
We need you so much today!
Help us, oh Abba Elohim
Please save your people - Israel!
You are our refuge. You are our fortress
You are our God in whom we trust x2
Please command Your angels concerning Your people
Guard us, Abba, in all our ways;
Rescue us, Adon Olam, punish the wicked, protect our sons
For we acknowledge Your Holy Name.
We calling on You, Emanuel!
We need you so much today!
Help us, oh Abba Elohim
Please save your people - Israel!
6. All Things Work Together For Good
Lyrics Oxana Eliahu
Music Sasha Atlas
If sometimes when life is hard,
It seems there is no way out
Stay on God’s promise and be strong.
Please don’t ever lose your hope!
Stand stable, stand fast,
With complete faith,
For the one who believes in Adonai,
All things work together for good
Look at Yeshua, for how He suffered.
He endured rejection and pain
He died for my sins, he died for me,
So I am forgiven and I am free
He defeated darkness and death
He made everything new
He died on the tree, He died for me
I’ll follow Him in everything.
7. B'Shem Yeshua - בשם ישוע
מילים ולחן : אוקסנה אליהו
מבוסס על ישעיהו ב' 4
Music & Lyrics By Oxana Eliahu
כל הבריאה מלאה באסונות,
העולם כולו מלא במלחמות.
אנו, אדון, כל כך זקוקים לך
הו, הלוואי תבוא כבר מלכותך.
בשם ישוע, בשם שמעל כל שם,
אני פונה אליך, אל עליון,
ריבון עולם. אתה רואה הכל,
אדוני, אתה הכל יכול.
אנא, אלי, עצור את הדמעות,
יֵעשה רצונך עלי אדמות.
וכיתתו חרבות לאיתים
וחניתותיהם למזמרות.
לא ישא גוי אל גוי חרב
ולא ילמדון עוד מלחמה.
B’shem Yeshua
B’shem mee al kol shem
Anee pone elekha El Eliyon
Ribon Olam Ata roe hakol
Adonai, Ata hakok yakhol
B’shem Yeshua
B’shem mee al kol shem
Anee pone elekha El Eliyon
Ana Eli atzor et ha d’maot
Asse et retzonkha alei adamot
They will beat their swords into plowshares
their spears into pruning hooks
nations shall not fight against nations
neither shall they learn war anymore
Kol ha-b’riya m’le-a b’asonot
HaOlam male b’milkhamot
Annu Adon, kol kakh z’kukim lekha
Oh, allevai, tavo k’var mal-khut-kha
B’shem Yeshua, The name above all names
We cry out Adon Olam
Please stop the tears,
Come and change this world
Let Your kingdom come on this earth
8. Calling Your By Name - קורא לך בשמך
Music & Lyrics By Oxana Eliahu
אני בא לפניך כחוטה
אך עדיין אני חי בשבילך
כשאתה הולך איתי ליבי שר
כשאני הולך איתך יש שלום בליבי
מהלל אותך מתאהב בך
וקורא לך בשמך
ישוע ישוע ישוע אדוני
כן אתה אדון חיי לתמיד
אחריך אני אלך עד הסוף
הנני אבא, לרשותך
השתמש בי אדון
למען מלכותך
I come before you, Abba, as a sinner,
But I live my life for you
As you work with me my heart is singing
As I work with you I sing in my heart
Praising you, loving you calling your name
Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua Adonai
9. God is Love
Lyrics and Music by Oxana Eliahu
My God, You always loved me
You gave me everything
You cared deeply, every day
So that I’d never fail
My hardest and my darkest times
You’ve been by my side.
In spite of all, in spite of all
I turned to my own way.
You never gave up on me
You made my battles yours
In every path that I walked
Your eye was on me
Abba, I rejected You, I betrayed You
Your perfect love never failed
Your mercy only grew.
People told me you exist,
But I didn’t care
Self-absorbed and full of pride
I had no need of you
Your heart bled for me
But I didn’t see
No matter what I did
Your love pursued me
“I love you so very much”
You shouted from above
I couldn’t recognize your voice
I didn’t know Your love
“You’re so precious to me”
You whispered in my ear
In spite of all, in spite of all
I turned to my own way.
After all that I have done
You should have hated me
You could have abandoned me
And let me lose my soul.
My arrogance, my pride, my sins
You forgave them all!
You still called me “Your beloved”
You gave your life for me
10. Recipe for Love
Music and Lyrics By Oxana Eliahu
In this world there is so much pain and sorrow
So many things frustrate and let us down
Only God knows our hearts, our deepest longings
He brings us back to His heart, where we belong
He's the true light, the one and only way
He's our great hope and our sovereign King
Eternal guide, the perfect pattern
His Word is the recipe for love
Amazing love that never ends,
Brings warmth into our soul
Renews our thoughts transforms our lives,
Heals and makes us whole
Abba, let your Kingdom come,
Let Your will be done,
Fill us with your perfect peace
That we may dwell in love
A true love that grows, that never fails;
It bears all things, it's quick to forgive
It seeks truth, it doesn't act unseemly;
Neither does it demand its own way
Eternal love that never loses hope,
Always faithful -- never giving up
It's not proud, boastful, or jealous --
Love is patient, merciful and kind
Let our world become more like heaven
The way God designed it to be
As we choose to truly love our neighbors
God's kingdom increasingly we'll see.